
Right click to move/Right click to aim

'Q' to kick

'W' to speed boost
You play as a gecko in space trying to escape an elaborate mazelike set of walls. (I swear it all started as an echolocation based game and then became something foddian). You have only your echo to guide you. Kick it away from you to get a wider view of your surroundings, but be careful! There are some... interesting walls around. And if your echo (the ball) gets too far from you, it's game over. Can you get to the very edge of the map with your echo and win?

p.s. I know it's beyond rough right now, I shoulda put more time in. But I'm very proud :'D and plan on continuing development for Echo Dribble.

p.p.s. the web version is soooooo much laggier, I'm really sorry for the browser experience, folks.


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On start, the game looks wrong, but going into Fullscreen mode fixed that:

Also, can confirm: web version is very laggy :)

Not sure why, but kicking the "ball" almost always made it disappear and then the game zoomed out and showed game over. Are some walls intentionally teleporting it away from you?

Congratulations on publishing a working prototype!

cool concept! it was a good challenge to guide the ball to the end, but sometimes it would shoot off to the far top right when it hits a wall. i think it would be good if you could vary how hard you kick your echo by holding down Q. I liked the atmosphere you built with the space-background and music choice. keep it up!

(1 edit)

Thanks for trying it out :D. The atmosphere was definitely the part I enjoyed working on the most/spent the most time on. And there are bugs galore. The holding down for kick strength is such a good idea, I was having trouble coming up with a good way to give depth to dribbling outside of making new obstacles. Thank you for playing!

edit: accidentally posted this twice